
Beef Cattle Farm

Orcomix Calf

It is highly important in the beef livestock sector to ensure a strong and vital start for all your double-muscled cattle (prevention of still births and weak calves, crooked legs, diarrhoea, airways infections, …)

Orcomix 10/10

Calves must develop strong bones when young, in order to decrease discomfort from leg and muscle problems during the finishing stage. Beef livestock with a strong immune system develop a healthy and strong coat, limiting potential damage caused by scabies

Orcomix 10/10 or Orcomix Young Cattle

A fit and healthy calf with a good immune system starts with a healthy suckler cow. A strong immune system and optimal development are the most important factors contributing to the development of a heifer into a healthy suckler cow.

Orcomix Beef Cattle

Orcomix Beef Cattle contributes to a maximum development of your beef cattle with greater feeding conversion as a consequence.

This formula has been developed to obtain an optimal bones mineralization. As a result, your animals will develop a strong skeleton to easily support their muscle mass.  The chelate form of certain trace elements, 

together with the protected selenium in this formula, will ease the absorption of nutriments in the intestines. 

The Orcovet team will be delighted to provide you with customized advice.

The following minerals are applied in the beef cattle sector: 

  • Orcomix Calf
  • Orcomix 10/10
  • Orcomix Young Cattle
  • Orcomix Beef Cattle